Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pre Season Training....

Rumor has it Giselle was putting in some impressive times on Paris Mtn this week, before the cycling Gods decided to give us all a reprieve from early winter pain..........

Me.... I am heading out to do hill repeats so I will be able to hang on to her wheel come spring.....


Giselle said...

Yes...I went out and did my own personal Paris Mountain TT on Thurs. I hate the nerves associated with racing, but I was looking forward to getting a baseline for the season with the first TT which of course was supposed to be today, so when it was cancelled, I decided as I turned the corner to head up PM on my way in from a ride, to ride it as hard as I could. No nerves, nobody to compare myself to...just hoping to see <14 minutes, but promising myself to use it as a baseline and not allow myself to be disappointed regardless of the time. I recommend this for everyone that feels it would have been a good time to set a baseline.

In the end, I was very happy with my time, as I haven't seen much of the better side of 14 minutes since Max came into my life and changed my priorities! I'm going to attribute it to doing the UWBL over the past three it's time to start doing some climbing rides, which are the most fun to do anyway!

So, is anyone in for Caesars head next week? can go up it two or three times if you like...

Big Dog said...

So, are you gonna tell 'em what time you did? Cause you were smokin'! You think running all winter and doing 5 x spin classes per week had anything to do with it? I mean you are great early season form, girl.