Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I sorta felt a little let down in our team momentum the last 10 days or so? How about you? Reasons??
* It is hot.
* The new has worn off the season.
* We just finished some big 'goal' races for some of us.
* Memorial day with families took our focus off cycling(a good thing) .

In 1987, our whole company leveled for about 3 years after reaching some big long term goals. We strived for years to become one of the Inc. Magazine 500 Fastest Growing companies. We reached the goal and then did not grow for 3 years! Teenie taught us about GOAL SETTING THROUGH. This is when you set 'next' goals before reaching the most current.

For me, I was really committed to MM after it finally rolled around. However, I was already thinking and planning for the Granfondo. Now the Granfondo is on my plate but I am also planning the French Broad Classic. I don't reach a goal without another one already in front of me. Hey, at 60, I haven't got time to waste.

So, if you don't have clear goals, refocus. Sure, you need long term goals but if the long term goals are unclear, bite off something short term. It doesn't need to be life changing, it just needs to get you moving.

Remember, passion follows commitment. I did not even want to do MM when it first came up. I got committed and then I got more committed. The passion followed the commitment.

See ya out there.


Giselle said...

If I can say based on my past experiences with teams, the momentum may SEEM to wane at times, but more often it's more of a personal lull. Coming off of a BIG ride like MM can really take weeks. KP and Weinecker were out last night at the TT (good job, ladies), we got 5 people together for a State TT course ride this weekend, and I know of at least 7 of us doing the State TT this weekend. That's pretty good! Our next team race is in July (French Broad), so this is actually a good time to chill a little. The season in the SE is set up with a bunch of races in the spring and later summer/fall with a lull during June and July...the hot months. It's a super long season around here and for most people, if they don't chill a little in the middle, then they are nowhere to be found in the fall. Perhaps this is what you're seeing, Randall. It'll get going again!!!

Debbie said...

I agree. I have been racing all winter ('cross and short track). I usually chill during this time of the year just to stay sane. Plenty of time to prepare for French Broad, and do a little crit racing just for fun.

Elizabeth said...

Randall - the season is super long - and we all need to remember that we train and peak a few times over the season. You can't stay at your top fitness level non-stop. The racing is about the pick back up in these weeks leading up to French Broad - enjoy the down time a bit...before you know it we will be back hitting it hard!

Sam said...

Yep, I agree with all the posted comments; it's a long season. I'm doing long climbing rides at the moment to simulate ORAMM (Offroad assault on Mt Mitchell) at the end of July. My time last year was 8h22m. I'm aiming for under 7h30m this year.

Big Dog said...

Great comments guys!! You are all sounding pretty headstrong.

Big Dog said...

Oh, and remember, I was talking aout how you thinking, not whether you were resting or racing!