“Of all the roads I’ve ridden, these are the...”
(at which point I silently finished her sentence with words like “least congested” or “most cycling friendly” or “super-best-ever”)
“… trashiest I’ve ever seen.”
How dare she! That shrew just dissed my roads and my community. I’m dropping her on the next climb, for sure. Ok, maybe not, since I was the ride leader and all. But those words surely stuck in my craw.
Which brings me to today. As I was nearing the end of my weekly tempo run I noticed someone’s fresh Taco Bell lunch trash strewn along the side of the road. A few yards later I see a McDonalds bag and several napkins, a large styrofoam cup, and two empty tallboys. Deeper into road-side thicket I see layer upon layer of decaying fast food trash.
The words “trashiest roads I’ve ever seen” fly right in my face.
The Giant lady was right – these roads are nasty – and I’m furious. Who does this? Who thinks it’s ok to toss trash out on the road? Why does someone think this stretch of road is their personal garbage dump? And, why does it not bother you to see this mess each and every time you travel down this road?
Disgusting. Pathetic.
In a rage, I hoof it straight home to gather my evidence collection kit (ie phone, latex gloves and trash bag) and drive back to the scene of the filthy crime. Surely this is a repeat offender whose identity I might uncover with a little detective work.

Crime Scene Evidence:
4 empty tallboys, various brands1 Redbull can
3 crushed beer cans
1 beer bottle
5 used Gu packets
1 Allstate Insurance bill belonging to Earnest XXXX, of Travelers Rest
1 empty mini-flask of high grade alcohol
1 banana peel
1 un-opened Bons Secours St. Francis Hospital bill addressed to Roger XXXX, of Travelers Rest
2 McDonalds bags, 1 Taco Bell Bag with nachos and cheese sauce, 1 Burger King Whopper box
2 Clifbar wrappers
1 Walmart bag containing Tanika’s Target nametag and sundry items that I don’t want to know about
1 dixie cup of chew and spit
Ketchup packets…so many ketchup packets

This is what I collected in 10 minutes, over just 0.2 mile.

Among the myriad unhealthy and seedy items I collected today were a few things that just don’t seem to fit the unhealthy pattern: Gu packs and Clifbar wrappers (and maybe the banana peel). Which tells me I can’t jump to any conclusions about who does this or why.
So, Earnest, Roger, Tanika and whoever might be using Gus and Clifbars, what happened? Did your trash can blow over in the storm the other night? That must be it. Surely you didn’t just toss it out, because I know your mamas taught you better.
Well, I’ll hold on to your stuff until Thursday, trash pickup day. Let me know if you want it back.
I understand your anger completely! Littering is awful, I don't understand for a minute why anyone would think it's okay. I have called the Palmetto Pride Litter Hotline several times when I've seen people throw trash out of their car windows. And there is no excuse for there EVER to be gel or bar wrappers out there. Cyclists should know better. Thanks for writing this post. You should take it to The Greenville News!
I had a similar experience last year. While riding in the hills up towards scenic Saluda, I came upon a roadside purge of beer cans, cardboard six pack packaging, and other party favors. A week later, while out in Northern California for a wedding, I was riding in the hills between Lake Berryessa and Napa Valley, when I came upon a roadside purge of wines bottles, corks and other party favors. Go figure...
Great post! I have to say your first picture had me laughing out loud. Great job on all this. Posting, bringing up this issue and doing something personally to correct the problem you encountered. Like Sam, I have used Palmetto Pride many times to report littering. I encourage all to do the same. The city and the country also have resources available to us if we want to do something bigger about this problem. TEAM headstrong could conduct a litter pickup day. I would definitely help. Just throwing that out there.
So one day, I'm riding in a rental car with a co-worker. He takes out a stick of gum, unwraps it and puts it in his mouth. The next thing he did pissed me off to no end! He wadded up the wrapper, rolled down the window a couple of inches and threw out the wrapper!!!
Guess what - he was born and raised in Greenville. I agree completely with your comments and commend you for taking the initiative in cleaning things up.
Rule... Team Riders.. "pack it in, pack it out" Gu's, Cliff Bar wrappers, tubes, etc...
we used to make anyone on the Atlanta Sunday ride go back and get what they dropped or threw out...
I was at a stop light when I observed the car in front of me open the door and place a bag of fast food trash on the road and then close the door. Without thinking, I got out of my car, walked up to the car in front of me and picked up the bag of trash and knocked on the drivers window, saying "I think you dropped something!". It was a woman with 3 children in her car! Of course, she didn't open her window...I mean, I was the crazy one, right?
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