Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Monday, January 9, 2012

Computrainer Fun

As I’ve shared with you before, I’m not a huge fan of riding in the rain. Sure, I’ll keep pedaling on a summer spin when it’s 85 degrees and it starts raining on the other side of the mountain. But, I’m not into suiting up and braving the 45 degree rain we get in the winter. That’s what they make indoor trainers for.

Yesterday’s weather made our training decision much easier. Rainy, cold Sundays are made for indoor training. Sam and I decided we would get our saddle time on the Computrainers at the Edge Endurance Training Center. It’s not as fun as riding outside, but it is more interesting than the standard trainer workout.

Computrainers are basically indoor trainers that are managed by a computer to follow a specific workout. The computer varies your tension to make it harder and easier to pedal based on the simulated terrain that is projected on the big screen TV in front of you. It’s a pretty slick way for all of us to do the same workout without having to vary your own tension. Plus sweating together is always more fun than going it alone.

We were joined by Brian and a couple other friends, and we chose to do a 2 hour steady ride. The work was primarily Zone 2 stuff with some shorter “fun” intervals thrown in to make things interesting. I say fun because that’s how the workout is described in the database. “Primarily Z2 with fun stuff.” All we do is pedal and the computer varies the tension on the trainer as you ride.

If you haven’t tried a computrainer class, you should check them out at the Edge (or another facility near you). They are very effective tools to use and I find them more fun than cranking out an hour by myself in the garage. The Edge Endurance TC has several classes that are put on by the Greenville Cycling Center. You can sign up for classes at Go-Green Events, and GCC has even offered Team Headstrong members a discount (contact Sam for details). If you want to jump in on a weeknight class, just give Jim Cunningham a call and he’ll let you fill a vacant spot as people can’t show up for classes. Like all good dealers, the first one’s free.

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