Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

# 9 - Baby Steps

This year, I will be setting a goal/goals for every workout.  No noodlin' around aimlessly on the Swamp Rabbit know what I mean.

Today, I had a 45 minute easy ride on my trainer.  I scheduled this after several aggressive rides, the weather forecast for rain, and a Yoga commitment tonight.   However, I decided to accomplish something.

Goal 1 - TT bike in TT position - Since the SC Crit Championship, I have done nearly a year of rehab on my neck.  Staying in the aero position for more than 5 minutes has been very painful.  Today I wanted to stay aero with maybe only 1 or 2 rest periods.

Goal 2 - High Cadence - I am doing a lot of big gear/low cadence work right now.   I want to keep some speed in my legs so I set a goal to go 95+ rpm's for the 45 minutes.

Don't get me wrong,  there is the possibility that due to physical and mental exhaustion, the goal of one these 'easy' workouts might be to spin and recover.  That would be a viable goal.  Another goal, might be to forget the meter and just ride.   The sign of having a goal is forethought.
I plan to have forethought about every ride or workout.....a plan......achieve it.

There are a finite number of workouts for me prior to Master's Nats.  I am going to make every one count.

Many Baby Steps will hopefully equal a giant step toward me achieving my goals.

Oh, I exceeded my goals today!


Lindsey said...

great job DS!!!!

Perry said...

I had the same thought today, that is a goal for every workout. When we are in the OR before a surgery, we always take a "timeout", and make sure we review the patient's name, the procedure we are about to the start,and that the appropriate personnel and equipment are present. This year, before every workout, I plan to take a "time out" before I start, and quickly review just what it is I hope to accomplish for that piece of work...skills and drills? force/strength? muscular endurance? recovery enhancement? That way, I hope to avoid putting out "empty watts".

@sbaker864 said...

Great input guys. I would add that everyone should put a little thought into how the team rides fit in with their training goals too. Your goal for those rides might be altered to simply stress saddle time with your teammates, but it's something to think about ahead of time.