Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hypothermia - Arizona Style

After 6 winter seasons in Colorado and 25 years of snowboarding and skiing, hypothermia was still just a distant term.   It got real for me on April 14th in Arizona of all places.  It was not pretty or fun.

Teenie and I were racing Colossal Cave RR today.   She survived a 4 lap finish but I logged a DNF after 4 laps(5 laps scheduled) .   Marginally dressed for 55F dry temps, we faced 42F/15 mph wind/driving rain the entire race.

Uncomfortable quickly escalated.  I lost complete use of my hands and could not shift, my HR fell to 135 on an RPE of 10(usually 170 on RPE 10), I totally lost focus, my vision was effected.  Ultimately, I could not think.

When I got to the car, I violently shook for 40 minutes.  I could not turn on the heater, despite the fact we have owned the car for 8 years.  I was a wreck.  When I stopped shaking, I promptly fell asleep.

Teenie, dressed smarter, was in pain but not to my extent.  Maybe she is just tougher?  This is not first time I have ask myself this question.

#24 Marginal gain - Make sure I have clothing in AZ for all conditions.

Sorry, I don't have picture.  I am glad to have survived and be writing about this.    

1 comment:

Giselle said...

Glad you survived! I wouldn't expect that in Arizona, except on top of Mt. Lemmon, and only because you told us so.

We never stop learning...and in some cases RElearning.