Team headstrong will enter 2014 under 2 new teams, Greenville Velo (out of Greenville, SC) and Maddog83 (out of Tucson, Az).. It has been a great 4 years of racing, companionship, and community. We have accomplished some great things, but like all things, time moves on and so will we. See below for more details......

Monday, March 8, 2010

Just wanted to catch you guys up on last weekend. Most you know that I ran a marathon Saturday. My stats for those that like numbers were; 6th in my age group, 13th female, and 84th overall (out of 579 finishers). My goals coming into this race were to run a negative split, to run a sub 8 min/mile pace, and to finish the race sub 3:30. I was able to run a negative split for the first time in a marathon. I paced an average of 7:59 per mile and finished in 3:29--I barely squeaked in to make the last two goals, but I was so excited to make them. When I finished, the 3:30 pacer asked me how I was feeling, I replied 'great.' He said 'You didn't run fast enough! You should feel like crap when you cross that finish line--then you know you ran fast enough. You need to run a 3:20 next time." O well---future goals. I am now very ready to shift into cycling. So sorry girls that I was so toast out there Sunday. I thought I felt decent in the warm-ups, but when the race started I couldn't get my legs to go fast or climb. Don't give-up on me, I will be race fit very quickly. By the way, way to go all you 10kers! Lara, I want to run like you when I grow up! Awesome job on the cycling racing these past few weekends as well!


Anonymous said...

Way to go! Guess you can cross negative splitting off the bucket list!; ) I am impressed you were able to get out there and ride Sunday! Just take it easy this week and heal. I look forward to training and racing with you!

How about Boston marathon next year?

Giselle said...

Nice going, Kristi! I can tell you for sure that NOBODY but you would be in their first cycle race the day after a marathon. I had a hunch you'd push, pull, drag yourself through the race regardless of how your legs felt, and sure enough, you were there at the end. You are one tough cookie!!!

Debbie said...

You are my new hero! I wish that I could be half as tough as you.

kristi said...

Thanks for the encouragement girls. I needed that! I didn't really have high expectations of myself out there. My goals were to support the team, help if I could, and get that first race out of way. I wish I could have done more on that second goal, but I didn't have any legs. I tried to help KP when we both got dropped at the start, but I just couldn't be a strong enough pull for her--so I told her to just go! KP, you have come so far--you go girl!