I hope to write a series of Blogs in the weeks to come about our training experience here in AZ. My goal is to communicate information that I hope the readers of this BLOG can use to improve their efforts and results this winter.
The important thing to remember is we are NOT working, taking care of kids or...........we lead pretty low stress lives with 8-9 hours of sleep a night. We have day after day of great weather. So, trying to follow our program, could be a train wreck! However, this could be source of ideas and info for you.
We had a sound week(our first week here) of volume with some Z3 intervals which represented our first week with any real intensity. Teenie was almost 15 hours in the saddle and I was close to 17.
Above is Teenie's file from some short climbing intervals(20 mins ea) on Mt Lemmon on 1/6/2013. This was a really short workout on very tired legs. Good speed, Teenie! 9.2 mph! She is in a very good place as far as fitness for this time of year.
We encountered road side snow at the 6 mile marker and this pic was taken near the 7 mile marker.
We were able to climb in short sleeves and Teenie was bare legs as the temp was very warm. Of course, when we head down, armies, leggies and vests were needed.
The wind was high and Sunday brought a lot of traffic to the mountain. We were told that a lot of people were going up to sled where the snow was still heavy. We took it very slowly going down.
Training plans and activities need a framework that consists of season goals, training/midstep goals, a race schedule, assessment of limiters and opportunities and other items. In the weeks to come, I will touch on these as Teenie and I have addressed them.
Meantime, I hope you had a great holiday season and that you are having some time to mentally and physically prepare for the season ahead!
we are just riding in the beautiful South Carolina winter weather. No plan, no goals, just riding. Putting in about 3-4 hours a week.
I wish I had 3-4 hours a week to ride. Between work, wood projects, and kids. I've been getting in 1/2 of a jazzercise class each week. My leg lifts are getting much better.
At that rate Brandon you'll waste away and soon they won't be able to tell us apart!
Livin' the dream!
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